Let George Do It - "Picture With A Black Frame" (Ep1453)
May 15th, 2024 Let George Do It Mutual May 8th, 1950 12:00AM*
A sleazy photographer tries to interest George Valentine into blackmailing Lydia Tonnamaker. George finds himself photographed in an empty hotel room with the lovely Lydia. The blackmail gets blacker, until the blackmailer is found murdered!
Some episode descriptions come from the RadioGOLDINdex.
- George Valentine
- Brooksie
- Lt. Riley
- Writer
- Writer
- Director
- Announcer
- Composer/Conductor
A Note On Site Accuracy
Every effort has been made to make sure the information in the podcast is accurate. However, new information is often discovered and we'll correct that information here on this website. If there is a conflict between the podcast and the site, the site will always have the most up-to-date information.
- *
Episode dates and times are usually based on where the show was originally aired. If the show was a West Coast show the time would most likely be in Pacific time and vice versa with East Coast shows. If a time is listed as 12:00AM it means we are unsure at what time the show ran.